Triple R IT Power, Precision and Control in Data Integration and Aggregation

Why aren't my systems sharing data?

Every database has it's own protocols and formats and every software supplier has created a custom data model and sometimes even a custom database system. These differences make it very hard to exchange information between systems.

To solve these problems data integration techniques have been developed. But they all have their own limitations, most of them are based on one of the standard technologies.

The latest in data integration and aggregation technology is our Data Source Integrator, a universal data communication platform. This device enables the exchange of data between all systems; it supports all protocols and formats of every supplier.

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Why do you have to do all these manual steps?

It is impossible to support all business processes with a single system. This automatically leads to a more complex IT-landscape with multiple systems. Throughout a typical fortune 1000 company an average of 48 applications and 14 databases are deployed.

This means there are a lot of different systems, formats, etc that need to be connected to exchange data. Every custom made data integration technique has its own specifics. So unless a universal platform is in place to process data it is inevitable that extra steps have to be performed, sometimes manually.

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Are all your data consistent and up to date?

It is imperative that all data in all systems are up to date and complete. Customers don't like it when you keep shipping to the wrong address or you can even lose money when the purchase prices of your products aren't the latest.

Some data are stored in multiple systems, for example: customer information in a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and the financial system. article descriptions are used in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and a Product Information Management (PIM) system. The information which is duplicated into multiple sources needs to be consistent. This duplication can be done either by a strict set of business rules or an automated process.

The Data Source integrator supports real-time management of mission critical data.

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Why does it take forever to get your report?

Creating a report can be a tedious job. It is well known that to compile the Monday morning progress report one of the employees has to work late on Sunday’s.

In order to create a report it is often necessary to consult different sources. Systems like data mining software have a focus on a particular part of all the information within an organization. We all know how many spreadsheets are created besides the organization's systems.

The only way to simplify this process is accessibility of all data sources through a universal platform with the instrument to choose the desirable parameters.

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Are there alternatives for implementing an ERP system?

Companies try to replace an IT landscape consisting of many software applications that cannot communicate or interface effectively by an ERP system to create a single component IT-architecture which manages and stores all information regarding finance, marketing and sales, human resource, products, customers, suppliers and manufacturing.

This solution comes at a prize; customization of the ERP software is limited and business processes must be changed to fit the "industry standard" prescribed by an ERP system. Once a system is established, switching cost is very high for any partner.

Instead of creating a single component IT-architecture it is possible to achieve all goals you want to achieve with an ERP-system by creating a layer on top of all the data sources in the IT-landscape. All local data sources keep there own characteristics and environment.

This can be achieved by using middle-ware. But there is a catch: traditional middle-ware needs a lot of manual work to keep it up and running and isn't transparent and logical for the user.

The Data Source Integrator is a perfect alternative for an ERP system, to establish communication between systems, with the benefit of tracking mutations, exception handling and data governance.

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